I could not really leave the thought to build replicas of the “original” guitars, the ones that Fender and Gibson was building in the 50’s and 60’s. For me, it was to get closer to the origin of guitar making. Now, I was not just inspired by the copying the outer shape of the guitars. I started to looking for construction details. There are lots of sources on the internt by collectors and other guitar nerds that can explain the anatomy of vintage guitars. This guitar is my attampt to make a guitar with a feeling from the ’60’s. More precisely a Sherwood green ’62 Fender Stratocaster. The body is 3 piece alder. The pickups are Fender Texas Specials. The tone is really bright and rich. This is definitively my favourite guitar right now.
Were is the 7’th guitar? Well, the 7’th exists, but it was not built by myself completely. My guitar friend that got the 6’th guitar wanted to build himself, but with some assistance from me. I made the neck and the main body carving and routing etc, but he finished it. If I get hold of a picture of the finished guitar I can put in in this post.